2♣ Birthdates:
May 30
June 28
July 26
August 24
September 22
October 20
November 18
December 16
Over the years, I have had readings with adult 2♣s who tell me the same thing…they were hesitant to have a reading with me because they were afraid of what I would say. I have also heard from clients who tell me they recommended me to a 2♣ friend, but their friend refused to schedule a session because they didn’t want to know what their future energy might be. Such 2♣ reactions are not surprising to me because fear is a lower expressing aspect of this Birth Card.
Fears for a 2♣ begin in childhood. A 2♣ child may fear being in a dark bedroom all night. This may cause them to seek out their parents in the middle of the night and ask to sleep with them. If the parents allow this behavior, it can become habitual and hard to get their child back to sleeping in their own bed. A 2♣ child may latch on to fears when they experience unpleasant situations. For instance, perhaps you take your four-year-old child to the doctor to get vaccinations that are required for school. They experience a painful shot. The next time this child has a doctor’s appointment, they fear going. They associate pain with going to the doctor. They have a meltdown when you insist that they go. They tell you, “I’m going to die if I go!” You are surprised at their extreme response. However, you need to understand that these reactions and feelings are real for a 2♣. You see, a 2♣’s first karma card is the A♠ - the death card. A person’s first karma card is their weakness in life. Therefore, as a parent of a 2♣, you must acknowledge and affirm their feelings and worries. Resist comments like “don’t be a baby.” Instead say, “I know this is scary for you, but I will be right beside you.”
What is most helpful when dealing with the fears of a 2♣ is to create experiences in which you slowly encourage them to confront their fears. As an example, imagine your five-year-old child fears going to kindergarten. They have overheard their older sibling complain about homework and make comments like “I hate school.” First, have a one-on-one conversation with your 2♣ to listen to their fears. As the ‘conversation’ card, a 2♣ will love to talk and share ideas! Take notes while they explain their fears, so they see that you are taking their fears seriously. Perhaps share your own experiences around the first day at school. Then, create a plan to address their fears. You could watch TV shows or YouTube videos that show pleasant classroom experiences. You could call your child’s school and arrange to visit before school starts. This could include walking them around to familiarize them with the building, to even meeting their teacher and visiting their classroom. After these experiences, help your child reflect upon how they felt.
Without such practices, a 2♣ often will carry their fears into adulthood and this can negatively impact their relationship with others. Others may perceive them as a bit weird. Alternatively, their fears may cause them to be dependent upon others and even stay in unhealthy relationships because they fear being alone. Most importantly, a 2♣’s focus on fears can block their potential. If you are a parent of a 2♣, it is definitely worth the time and energy to help your child work through small and big fears as they show up in life.